Monday, September 24, 2012

A Day in the Mountains.

Yesterday two of the older kids and I took a trip with my grandparents and two uncles to see my other uncle who lives in Lexington, VA. We left at 8:00 in the morning and didn't get there until fifteen minutes before his 11 o'clock service started. The drive was really enjoyable, it was very fun talking with my grandparents and enjoying the scenery while listening to some good music. It was one of my favorite parts of the whole day.

This is a picture that I took while on the highway.

My uncle is a pastor of two different historical churches in Lexington (one has an early service, one has a late service). We visited the smaller of the two churches and there was a church picnic after the service. We all had a very nice day. I really enjoyed spending time with my uncle, aunt, and my older cousin.


  1. Kara,
    Sounds like a great day to me. I never got to know any of my grandparents so I'm so jealous. I love Lexington, I'm from a town 30 minutes further west. It is a beautiful area, I love the horse center.

  2. That is nice that you have so many extended family members who live relatively close to you. My closest extended family member lives in Minnesota, and the furthest lives in Alaska; so it is rare for me to see any of my extended family.
